Lesson – Analysis of the lifespan of materials and their influence over the environment

Exploration- circle analysis/ Filling out the matrix

Lead In:
Online platform

The given time its depends by dynamic of the educator and structure of the participants.

+100 minutes

It can be used as only curriculum-based, as well as an activity out of the classroom.

Basic learning about the analysis about the lifespan of materials and their influence over the environment – key characteristics and

Learning about the basic tools for analysis of the lifespan of materials;
Encouraging of research skills and recognizing key competences and characteristics of the eco-designed products.

Type of activity:
Powerpoint presentation
Watching a video
Exploration- circle analysis
Filling out the matrix

Group number:
Individual or group work, in groups of 5 participants per group

Recommended age: 15-24


For the educator:

Introductory part:

  1. Sharing of the presentation by basic learning about the terms linked to analysis of the materials and their influence over the environment.
  2. Developing a discussion after the educational video on a certain topic has been played.

Description of the activity:

  1. The participants are divided into groups and they explore the best practice for the eco-designed product/service.
  2. Once they determine upon voting for which product they will focus mostly, they fill out a analysis for the product/service. If you work in an online environment, we recommend the jam board usage.
  3. The participants vote for each category, in terms of which inputs belong there and filling the eco circle matrix.
  4. One representative of the group present the analysis.

For the user/ interested participants:

  1. Read the presentation and additional information of the useful links, provided below.
  2. Look at the video given also as part of the presentation.
  3. Explore the best practice on eco-designed products/ services.
  4. Conduct a product/service analysis through working on the matrix, by downloading the pdf format or use the jam board.


  • Eco design
  • Term for eco design
  • Principles of eco design
  • Eco design steps
  • How to make an eco-designed product
  • LCA methodology
  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Procedure for Life Cycle Assessment
  • Examples of LCA Projects

Materials, equipment:

  • Computer
  • Projector
  • Pens, pencils
  • Sticky notes


  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9nkJan3jWs
    – D. S. Anita Grozadnov (2019) Manual for implementation of the training for Sustainability advisor