Interesting facts

Interesting facts

🌍 In the current climate, ecology is making headlines. Every year, new environmental issues are raised, and new questions are asked about how to address these within various areas of society, whether economic, social, cultural or political. 

🗣👥There have been a number of initiatives aiming to tackle such issues and link economic projects with ecological issues. In this overview, we will take a closer look at various approaches related to green entrepreneurship.

🌍Earth Day is an annual event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. 

The Earth Day 2021 theme is Restore Our Earth.👉It focuses on adopting natural processes and emerging eco-friendly technologies that can restore ecosystems. Earth Day is recognised as the largest civic event in the world.

👉The Sustainable Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. 

They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice. Learn more and take action.

Facts for reminding:

🌍15 of May is the World Climate Change Day when the attention of the general public is focused on large climate changes that are the result of the activity of men. 

 👉Climate change is affecting every country on every continent. It is disrupting national economies and affecting lives. Weather patterns are changing, sea levels are rising, and weather events are becoming more extreme.

See more about Sustainable development goal 13 dedicated to climate action.

✅ Take a look and act sustainable 

🌍Let’s remind about the importance of the 5th June- World Environment Day.♻️The theme of World Environment Day this year is ‘Reimagine. Recreate. Restore’ and its focal point is ecosystem restoration. “Ecosystem restoration means preventing, halting and reversing this damage- to go from exploiting nature to healing it”, according to the UN.

🌊8th June- World Ocean Day

The purpose of the day is to inform and educate the public about the impact of human actions on the oceans, develop a worldwide movement of citizens and mobilise and unite the world’s population on a project for the sustainable management of the world’s oceans, it added.

💧It will highlight the wonders of the oceans and how they are the life source of the planet that supports humanity and every other organism on Earth.

🌎What are the World and European trends in this topic?

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