Check personal carbon footprint What is your footprint calculator? How many planets does it take to support your lifestyles? Web quiz that consists of four different chapters with questions about personal habits. The first is about food, the second is about transportation and traveling, the third is about energy use in the household and the […]
Analysis of the lifespan of materials and their influence over the environment Тhe goal of the activity is to explore the best practice on eco-designed products/ services and after that conduct analysis through working on the matrix, by downloading the pdf format or use the jam board. * You can make analysis as well for […]
Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production In accordance with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Cleaner Production is understood to mean: The continual application of an integrated environmental prevention strategy in processes, products and services, with the aim of reducing risks for humans and the environment, to increase the company’s competitiveness and guarantee its economic viability. […]
Social innovation Download Social and Eco Innovations presentation Download Challenges Solutions presentation
Phase Ideating What is this phase about? In ideation we open up our thinking again. It is about turning the problem statement into design opportunities and generating many ideas without constraints in a structured way. We filter and evaluate them at the end, we select ideas to pursue in the following prototyping phase. Ideation is […]
What things can you achieve if you know there won’t be a failure? Describe the outcome yourself. What holds you back to achieve it? Are there many obstacles? Time? Strength? Lack of courage?
Make a choice for business analysis tools Business Analysis is popular to many company owners with the functions to analyze, examine data, and figure out the most appropriate plan or priority for the company to achieve their goals. There are several analytical tools used to support businessmen to perform a business analysis. You can choose […]