Check list for eco designed product/service What is the purpose of eco-design products? Developing products by taking into account ecological and economic issues Create optimized variants of the product or service to select the least impacting Analyze life cycles to integrate them as much as possible in the circular economy Improve and optimize production costs […]
Prototyping is a foundational process for developing a new product through the physical representation of an idea. Prototyping helps designers turn a concept into a functioning item. To get more information about: What is a Prototype; Importance of Prototype, methodology, types etc. Read the PowerPoint presentation. After that, make a preliminary plan for making a […]
Create a persona Personas can be created by talking to users and segmenting various demographic and psychographic data to improve or create the product and marketing strategy. The aim of exercise is participants to creates user persona- a character based on current (or ideal) customer. Download the exercise Download the template for exercise
Phase Prototyping What is this phase about? Prototyping is about making ideas tangible. Transform your abstract idea into something concrete and testable by adopting a build-to-think attitude. Please always keep in mind that prototypes are not meant to last. It is not about creating the perfectly designed solution but about quickly sharing your idea with […]
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Sustainable development in business – Why do the SDG’s matter for business? Business is a vital partner in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Companies can contribute through their core activities, and we ask companies everywhere to assess their impact, set ambitious goals and communicate transparently about the results. Why do the SDG’s matter for business […]
Which habits can you change by showing better discipline? Write them down. Which alternative behaviors might bring better results? What justifications you give for your negative or unneeded behaviors? What is the first thing you can do to get self confidence and set these habits under a better control?
Monthly plan for 3 R principle The three R’s stands for: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. This rule is part of the waste hierarchy which is a process used to protect the environment and conserve resources through a priority approach. The aim is to get the most practical benefits from products and to generate the minimum […]