37-38a. Phase Prototyping

Phase Prototyping

What is this phase about?

Prototyping is about making ideas tangible. Transform your abstract idea into something concrete and testable by adopting a build-to-think attitude.

Please always keep in mind that prototypes are not meant to last. It is not about creating the perfectly designed solution but about quickly sharing your idea with others and getting feedback at an early stage. If your prototype is too elaborate and pretty, users might be discouraged to give you critical feedback since you have already put in so much work. Hence, the “quick-and-dirty” approach is often more fruitful.

Why is this phase important?

First of all, you prototype to learn. Creating a prototype together as a team helps to develop a common understanding of what the idea is about and what needs and problems you are addressing. Through prototyping you gain empathy with your users and often discover hidden issues and possibilities. Last but not least, prototypes are a great (and cheap) tool to get feedback from users, in order to refine your solution.
