30. Quiz
#1. The concept RECP is a tool 4-in-1, i.e., RECP concept is:
Select all that apply:
#2. Applied to the products, the RECR concept is a strategy directed toward reducing of all negative influences over people and the environment during the course of a lifecycle of the product, from receiving of the products to the final storage of the long-term products.
#3. The usage scope of the RECP concept within one entity (company, municipality, region, etc.) is broad and refers to:
#4. Applied in the manufacturing concepts, the RECP concept not includes a rational usage of raw materials, water, energy, replacement of dangerous materials with ecologically accepted ones, as well as reducing of the amounts and toxicity of emissions and waste in water, air, and earth;
#5. How can all waste be reduced?
Select all that apply:
#6. Production chain Stakeholders
#7. Basic Principles of Environmental Indicator Systems:
Select all that apply:
#8. What are the inputs for establishing environmental performance Indicators?
Select all that apply:
#9. How to Calculate some Key Environmental Indicators?
Select all that apply:
#10. Cleaner Production Strategies
Select all that apply: