Lesson – Term and need of eco design


1. Through implementation of the eco-design:
а) the influence of the product over the environment is limited, during the whole product lifespan
b) the lifespan of the product is shortened

2. D4S is a concept for eco-design that:
а) had its evolution in order to include the social and economic aspects of manufacturing
b) had its evolution in order to promote the ecological aspect of manufacturing

3. The research program of DS4 includes:
а) systematic development
b) testing and international diffusion of methods and tools for design of products with superior lifespan
c) improved eco-efficiency and effectiveness
d) decreasing of the market price of the product

4. Main criteria taken into consideration are:
a) Consumption of raw materials
b) Energy consumption
c) Releases into the environment and other pollution types
d) All answers are correct

5. What is missing in the square?

a) Product design
b) Price of design
c) Consumers
d) Users

6. The European Green deal highlights the importance of taking action on resource intensive sectors such as plastics commits to making all plastics packaging in the EU reusable or recyclable by 2030.
a) True
b) False

7. Some goals and principles are specifically about eco design:
a) Using fewer materials and resources for manufacturing products
b) Using materials and resources obtained with a minimum environmental impact
c) Producing the least waste and pollution possible
d) All answers are correct

8. The sustainable design of products has to include concepts for ecological services, however the ethical questions must not be neglected.
а) True
b) False

9. What is included in the concept of ecological services?
а) using of products otherwise not directly connected
b) setting lease and sharing

10.Which of the provided pictures is a “recycling design”?





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