Developing the introduction

Brief explanation of the module

Eco design can be explained as an integral project activity in which the focus is on the designer/engineer that by making decisions for design is mainly lead by the consequences on the environment, taking into consideration all phases of the lifecycle: from extraction of raw materials to the moment of removing of the product. Through the usage of eco-design, it can limit the influence of the product on the environment, for the overall product lifecycle. The practical eco-design has a goal of improving the product to determine the lifecycle for saving on energy, waste, radiation and toxins. Still, the sustainable design of products must include concepts for ecological services, where connected products are used, there is also lease of space/ambience and sharing, and the ethical and social issues that appear in the process of sustainable design must not be neglected. Through the module “Eco design”, the basic types of knowledge get closer together: term and principles of eco design, analysis of the lifecycle of materials and their influence on the environment, as well as recognizing the basic eco properties of the materials in manufacturing.

The module offers: 

  • Lesson plan;
  • Power point presentations through which the method of lecturing of the educators is simplified and illustrated with photographs, graphs, and similar;
  • Videos – through which in an interactive way are presented the significant information for the given topic;
  • Activities and tools intended for a school environment, training spaces, however online platform environment as well. They are developed with the goal of practical ensuring of the shared materials and their relevance, recognizing the ecologically-designed products, as well as encouraging of singular and independent developing of concepts for realizations;
  • Еxercises as quizzes in regards to check the engaged knowledge;
  • Suggestion resources for further research;

Доколку сакате да се запознаете со темата, но не и да реализирате активност или вежба може да проследите презентација и/ или да ги погледнете видеата.

Доколку сакате да реализирате активност, видеото и презентацијата се инкорпорирани во истата, поради поединоставно спроведување и приближување на темата.

Модулот може да го реализирате доколку сте едукатор со вашите таргет групи, но и исто така и индивидуално доколку имате интерес за темата, со тоа што во самиот опис на активностите има посебна секција “For the participant/interested persons“.

Overall Aim of module

The goal of the module is to educate the youth in regards to the following points:

  • Knowing the term and need for eco design
  • Analysis for the lifecycle of the materials and their influence on the environment – key characteristics and steps;
  • Learning about the basic tools for analysis of the lifecycle of materials;
  • Eco-properties of the materials in manufacturing
  • Usage of eco-data
  • Recognizing the basic principles and phases of eco design (for example, frame of resources – manufacturing-design-consumer)

At the same time, through implementation of the activities within the module:

Developing a discussion for the influence of certain products on the environment

  • Encouragement about research skills and recognizing the key competences and characteristics of eco-designed products
  • Encouragement for the entrepreneurship spirit in sense of creating eco designed products
  • Developing discussions and at the same time, skills for making concepts for eco designed products

Why is it important for the community?

Since the climate changes are a problem that does not pass, there has never been a better moment for us all to be more collectively aware about how we as individuals, corporations and businesses – influence on the Planet. New companies are appearing everywhere to provide simple and easily available options for using less plastic, recycled packaging, sustainable products, organic food and any other number of ways for choosing healthy.

The eco-design is a basis for circular economy, whose strategy is to give the products an indefinite lifecycle in a closed circle, without waste. The design with sustainable materials means the goods in circular economy reach the end of their useful lifecycle in a suitable shape to be repurposed, unlike linear economy.

Purchasing of ecological products costs less than the purchasing of a normal product. This way, the money is spent efficiently.

At the same time, this is a promise for a healthier way of life in terms of mortality, age, diseases, and improving the environment. The main aspect of sustaining the ecological friendship is sustainability. The world is corrupted with pollution and producing toxic environment of materials, so its sustainability can be a much better challenge.

Key dimensions/ key words of the module

  • Eco design
  • Term for eco design
  • Principles of eco design
  • Eco design steps
  • How to make an eco-designed product
  • LCA methodology
  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Procedure for Life Cycle Assessment
  • Examples of LCA Projects
  • Eco data
  • Eco properties of materials

The interplay between social entrepreneurship, with increasing awareness on environmental and climate matters

The eco-design is comprised of the strategy for societal responsibility of certain companies. With the goal of reducing their influence on the environment, many companies go through an eco-design approach to offer more green products. The eco-design is also linked to the bio mimics practices – excellent philosophy for design inspired by imitating nature. This marks a manufacturing perspective comprised of integration of criteria for preserving of the environment in every phase: from starting to development, from transport to recycling.

We have good reasons for better and more efficient manufacturing: raw materials and natural resources are finite, and if we are not careful, we will be left without them. Some, as water, are vital life sources, whereas minerals are of crucial importance for the key sectors of economy, as well as the technological industry. So, the price the planet pays is not sustainable.

The ecological benefits of sustainable manufacturing influence the industry and society. The United Nations represent this system as a means for improving the quality of life for millions of people, reducing poverty, strengthening the competition and lower economical, ecological, and societal expenses.

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