Guideline for Educator

Brief explanation of the module

Through the module “Eco design”, the basic types of knowledge get closer together: term and principles of eco design, analysis of the lifecycle of materials and their influence on the environment, as well as recognizing the basic eco properties of the materials in manufacturing.

Lesson plan that contains description of the subgoals and ways for realization of the recommended learning and teaching aspects; Learning material, media and tool; space; 
Power point presentations through which the method of lecturing of the educators is simplified and illustrated with photographs, graphs, and similar.
Videos – through which in an interactive way are presented the significant information for the given topic;
Activities and tools intended for a school environment, training spaces, however online platform environment as well. They are developed with the goal of practical ensuring of the shared materials and their relevance, recognizing the ecologically designed products, as well as encouraging of singular and independent developing of concepts for realizations;
Еxercises as quizzes in regards to check the engaged knowledge;
Suggestion resources for further research.

Aim of the module

The goal of the module is to educate the youth in regards to the following points:

  • Knowing the term and need for eco design
  • Analysis for the lifecycle of the materials and their influence on the environment – key characteristics and steps;
  • Learning about the basic tools for analysis of the lifecycle of materials;
  • Eco-properties of the materials in manufacturing;
  • Usage of eco-data;
  • Recognizing the basic principles and phases of eco design (for example, frame of resources – manufacturing-design-consumer);

At the same time, through implementation of the activities within the module:

  • Developing a discussion for the influence of certain products on the environment;
  • Encouragement about research skills and recognizing the key competences and characteristics of eco-designed products;
  • Encouragement for the entrepreneurship spirit in sense of creating eco designed products;
  • Developing discussions and at the same time, skills for making concepts for eco designed products;

General instructions

Eдукаторите, наставниците може да бираат кои ресурси би сакале да ги споделат со таргет групите од понудениот наставнички план. Презентациите и видеата може да послужат како иницијално запознавање со темата.
Но, доколку сакаат да реализираат активност, видеото и презентацијата се инкорпорирани во истата, поради поединоставно спроведување и приближување на темата до таргет групите.

Toкму затоа наставничкиот план е подделен во три секции:

  • Introductory part ( презентација и видео)
  • Activity details -Доколку претходно е реализиран “Introductory part“ , продолжуваат со следниот чекор од документот “опис на активност“;
  • Exercise.

Активностите може да се работат тимски, но исто така нема да претставува пречка да се реализираат индивидуално.
Исто така може да се реализираат во онлајн и физички услови.
Вежбите се во форма на квизови и се со цел да се утврди стекнатото знаење.
Временската рамка која е дадена е индикативна и зависи од начинот на работење на едукаторот, структурата на таргет групата ( предзнаења, возраст, бројност на учесници), целта која сака да ја постигне и слично.
Пожелно е едукаторот да има искуство со работа со млади, како и знаења и вештини поврзани со темите како: претприемништво, климатски промени, еко дизајн и сл.

Details of the module: “title”

  • Lesson 1: Term and need of eco design
  • Lesson 2: Analysis of the lifespan of materials and their influence over the environment
  • Lesson 3: Eco data

Activities connected to the module (title)

  • Activity 1 connected to lesson 1: Recognizing good and bad product practices (“Product cards“)
  • Activity 2 connected to lesson 2: Exploration- circle analysis/ Filling out the matrix
  • Activity 3 connected to lesson 3: Check list for making a concept of eco designed product

Exercises connected to the module (title)

  • Exercise 1 connected to lesson 1: Quiz
  • Exercise 2 connected to lesson 2: Quiz
  • Exercise 3 connected to lesson 3: Quiz

Target groups

Youths between: 15-29

Youth workers and volunteers working with youths looking or materials to work with them.

Teachers/ educators

Модулите може да бидат реализирани од сите наведени таргет групи и возрасти без ограничувањa, со тоа што за засебните активности предлагаме најсоодветна возрасна категорија. Како на пример:

  • Activity 1 connected to lesson 1:
    Recognizing good and bad product practices (“Product cards“)/ Recommended age: 15-17
  • Activity 2 connected to lesson 2: Exploration- circle analysis/ Filling out the matrix/ recommended age/ Recommended age: 15-24
  • Activity 3 connected to lesson 3: Check list for making a concept of eco designed product/ Recommended age: 15-29

Tips and tricks (with solutions to exercises and activities)

Effective teachers need to be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their teaching methods based on the age of their students, the resources available and changing practices and requirements.

To treat each student as an individual, by being empathetic and understanding to what may be going on in their lives.

Focus on Collaboration, communication, creative and critical thinking. These skills should be an integral part of teaching and learning to ensure highly effective teaching and to make learning more rigorous and relevant in the 21st century.

Sharing your findings and best practices with others in the field.


After each of the lesson plan and realized activity we suggested template for evaluation that you can filed online or in print version.

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